September polka dots calendar days story starters

Picture of September polka dots calendar days  story starters
Item: TCR5083
Price: $ 1.95 $ 1.60
Tags: Calendars

September polka dots calendar days story starters

A Calendar Day on the front. A Story Starter on the back!

Story starters are sentences or phrases that help students get started writing a short story or paragraph. Many, but not all, relate to the month or season (e.g., "My favorite winter sport is..."). On any given day, a teacher can go to the calendar, turn over the piece for the day, and find a ready-made writing assignment!

Teachers who buy all 12 sets not only have calendar days for the whole year, but also have dozens of writing ideas! 36 per pack.

Grade(s): 1 - 6

Grade: 1st - 6th grades
Brand:Teacher created resources

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