Sci reading detectives gr 7-8 b-1 single computer institution

Picture of Sci reading detectives gr 7-8 b-1  single computer institution
Item: CTB1517
Price: $ 88.95 $ 24.95

Sci reading detectives gr 7-8 b-1 single computer institution

Learning the Building Blocks of Better Spelling and Vocabulary. These effective activities help students learn Greek and Latin prefixes, roots, and suffixes-the foundations of the English language-to improve their spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension for better grades and higher test scores! Students learn to divide words into basic elements, define the words, then use the words in sentences for reinforcement. Hardware Requirements: Windows: 95, 98 NT, ME, 2000 XP; 64 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, 800 x 600 screen resolution. Macintosh: OSX, 128 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, 800 x 600 screen resolution.

Grade: 7th - 8th grades
Brand:The critical thinking co.

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