Ramona quimby age 8 literature kit

Picture of Ramona quimby age 8 literature kit
Item: CCP2304
Price: $ 11.95 $ 5.95

Ramona quimby age 8 literature kit

Ramona is a typical eight-year-old, but growing up is not easy! For instance, a new fad begins at school where the children cracking hard-boiled eggs on their eggs before they eat them. Unluckily for Ramona, she accidentally ends up wearing raw egg on her head — this is not her favorite day! She also must deal with the challenges of being with a four-year-old after school, her older sister's moods, her father quitting his job and studying full time, the family car breaking down, and her family's financial troubles. By the end of this entertaining story, Ramona has come to terms with a few things and is just a little bit more mature.

Grade: 3rd - 4th grades
Brand:Classroom complete press

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