Reading rods sentence building kit gr 1& up

Picture of Reading rods sentence building kit  gr 1& up
Item: LER7103
Price: $ 73.95 $ 39.95

Reading rods sentence building kit gr 1& up

Parts of speech and sentence building become easy with color-coded Reading Rods® that link together! Students learn to distinguish the nine most common parts of speech and put them together to form sentences. Kit contains:24 double-sided activity cards, a 48-page Instruction and Activity Book with over 100 full-color demonstration cards, 4 activity trays, and 156 rods in a storage tub. Rods include:/Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs, Pronouns, Conjunctions, Articles, Interjections, and Punctuation. Skills Taught: Recognizing the parts of speech, Constructing sentences, Identifying subjects and predicates, and Placing punctuation appropriately. Ages 7 to 13

Grade: 1st - 12th grades
Age: 7 - 13 years
Brand:Learning resources

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