Number the stars literature kit

Picture of Number the stars literature kit
Item: CCP2506
Price: $ 11.95 $ 7.95

Number the stars literature kit

A STORY of a ten-year-old girl, her family, and their courageous journey to save the lives of their Jewish friends! During the darkest days of World War II living in Copenhagen, ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen is caught up in these unfolding historical events when she learns that the life of her best friend, Ellen Rosen, is in danger. The Rosens go into hiding and Annemarie's parents volunteer to take Ellen into their home until the voyage to the safe country of Sweden can be arranged. Annemarie is thrust into several perilous adventures as she does the utmost to save the lives of the Rosens. Annemarie's courage and ingenuity are severely tested as she is forced to confront German soldiers intent killing her friend.

Grade: 5th - 6th grades
Brand:Classroom complete press

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