What every educator should know about using google all grades

Picture of What every educator should know  about using google all grades
Item: SEP50823
Price: $ 20.95 $ 12.95

What every educator should know about using google all grades

Is Google is taking over your classroom? Given the impact Google is having on day-to-day management, and specifically classroom applications, it's easy to see why Google is playing an ever-increasing role in education. This book uncovers the many applications available through Google— from shared documents and presentations, spreadsheets, to mapping, calendars, and social networking tools— that offer a myriad of possibilities for instructional engagement, and details the implications for educators. User-friendly and accessible, this K—12 professional resource appeals to the novice Google user with step-by-step instructions for accessing and using the various tools available through Google. Suggestions for differentiation are also offered for teachers to provide access to all students. This resource is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and supports core concepts of STEM instruction.

Grade: Kindergarten, 1st - 12th grades
Age: 5 - 14 years
Brand:Shell education

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