Putting on a play play kit

Picture of Putting on a play play kit
Item: SW-508
Price: $ 23.95 $ 10.95

Putting on a play play kit

This Dramaterials™ Elementary School Play Kit presents a comical "play within a play" that teaches cooperation and theater arts. This very theatrical presentation with fast-paced and humorous dialogue takes the students through the creation of a fictional stage production from the writing of the script through opening night. By acting the parts of some quirky and dramatic theater professionals, students learn many aspects of theater production. Glossary of theater-specific vocabulary is included. Performance runs about 45 minutes starring 21, plus or minus, of your 3rd or 4th Graders. Protective "Director's" 3-ring case binder holds 18-page script, Staging, Props and Costuming Notes from the playwright/composer, January M. Akselrad, and a Theater Unit Checklist. CD features one song, "Putting On A Play," as well as instrumental performance track, lyrics and lead sheet. A Cast List is included with blanks for your students' names.

Grade: 3rd - 4th grades
Age: 8 - 10 years
Brand:See the wish

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