The secret senses scheme play kit

Picture of The secret senses scheme play kit
Item: SW-505
Price: $ 23.95 $ 10.95

The secret senses scheme play kit

This Dramaterials™ Elementary School Play Kit presents a Ricky Diamond mystery that is a science and problem-solving comedy. Hearing? Smelling? Tasting? Touching? Seeing? Which is the most important sense? This sure is a puzzler! But ace detective, Ricky Diamond, is on the case! Using her smarts and some help from Professor Klugenhelfen, the 1940's gumshoe figures out what is making everyone act so strangely and what is our most important sense. In the spirit of Raymond Chandler and Sam Spade, comes a sassy, daring and clever protagonist in a story full of colorful characters for students to portray. Performance runs about 45 minutes starring 20, plus or minus, of your 2nd, 3rd or 4th Graders. Protective "Director's" 3-ring case binder holds a 17-page script, Staging, Props and Costuming Notes from the playwright/composer, January M. Akselrad, and a Theater Unit Checklist. CD features one song, "Sometimes A Mystery," as well as instrumental performance track, lyrics and lead sheet. A Cast List is included with blanks for your students' names.

Grade: 2nd - 4th grades
Age: 7 - 10 years
Brand:See the wish

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