Spelling all stars gr 4-6

Picture of Spelling all stars gr 4-6
Item: WCA6281
Price: $ 21.95 $ 9.95

Spelling all stars gr 4-6

Realistic, simulated baseball game drives the desire to spell words correctly, either from teacher-generated lists or the 48 carefully constructed grade-level lists included. There are 16 lists of 30 words each per grade-level. Powerful experiences in spelling, probability, and strategic decision-making characterize this format. "At bats' result in singles, doubles, triples, homeruns, base on ball, strikeouts, ground outs, double and triple plays, stolen bases, etc., plus the highly desirable opportunity to spell. Each "at bat" requires a strategic decision by the manager. Just the game for reluctant spellers! 2 players or 2 teams

Grade: 4th - 6th grades
Brand:Wiebe carlson associates

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