Kleenslate classroom kit 12 set paddles

Picture of Kleenslate classroom kit 12 set  paddles
Item: KLS2308
Price: $ 56.95
Availability: 3 in stock

Kleenslate classroom kit 12 set paddles

Teachers and trainers find this award winning two-sided dry erase paddle "engaging, easy to clean and store, and great for active learning". It's lightweight and perfect in size for both young students and adults. Packaged with markers and erasers for "out of the box" convenience and comes in its own storage box.
- The Kwik Chek™ II is an award-winning All-in-One hand-held white board and dry erase marker / eraser combination.
- EZ pen storage-Right in the handle!
- Clean up stubborn marks with water, few drops of dish soap and a soft cloth
- Support a wide variety of interactive and fun learning applications and
- receive quick and effective assessments
- Saves paper
- No grading
- Affordable
- Reusable

Each Kwik Chek™ Classroom Set comes in its own storage box complete with 12 hand-held white boards, 12 Low Odor/Non Toxic KleenSlate dry-erase markers with KleenSlate attachable Erasers.

Brand:Kleenslate concepts llc.

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